Saturday, 27 June 2009

Diagnosing and Managing Heart Failure

Taking a break from the noise and drone posts, I'll try to upload strange things I find on my purchasing travels, often care of charity shops around this great land. First up is "Diagnosing and Managing Heart Failure" with Dr Graham Jackson of Guys Hospital, a lucky find at a charity shop in Southsea. Throughout this short cassette, Dr. G tells us all about how to recognise and treat signs of heart failure through a series of staged dialogues with "Mrs Taylor", an elderly woman with complaints of breathlessness. Obviously, these exchanges are pretty funny, you really have to hear it to believe it. Some of the comments Dr. G makes in the diagnostic spaces between the dialogues are pretty funny too, with his stern, nasal delivery absolutely shattering his attempts at jokes and light heartedness (accidental pun, HO!) into a billion shards. Also, at one stage, he reprimands Mrs Taylor about her use of salt in food and launches into a brief, yet vitriolic tirade which I'm sure hints at a personal dislike of salt extending far beyond his professional obligation to advise against it's heavy use. There are also some heart pattern sounds made by a Cardionics Heart Sound Simulator which might be of some use to sampling cats.

Worth noting also is that this tape was made to plug the heart medicines of Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Limited. Check them out at and tell me that the image you see on the left is not, at first glance, quite disturbing.




Oh yes, mon petit frilous, there is a reason why I don't do updates for 2 months and the reason is that I am lazy and therefore come back every now and then with spunkers like this in grovelling apology.
Hate State is the label that put this beauty out and also a label that I don't know much about. Discogs show me some very worthy artists on their "roster" so give it up for Hate State. ALRIGHJT!
None Shadow is a 6 cassette C30 collection that celebrates WALL NOISE. Now maybe it's just me, but it seems that during the time that this came out only a couple of years ago and now, that wall noise has become something of a thing unto itself, and you see a lot of artists giving it large about militant HNW (harsh noise walls) and all sorts of other things in which multiple or few concepts are represented through long, unmoving walls of sound. I like a bit of that for sure, but mostly I think the idea can run away with itself a bit an ultimately leaves me a tad cold. So to my ears there is a difference between the sounds of this WALL NOISE celebration and what you might expect to hear from a HNW celebration. That is to say that the great stuff on this collection is not about unmoving and minimal washes of sound, but of giant cacophonies of grim, sludgy rackets that make you feel like shit when you listen, half cut, falling asleep, clutching a tin of warm stella on a hot day.
It's a pretty varied collection when you consider these terms, featuring The Cherry Point, Filthy Turd, Taskmaster, Kakerlak, The Rita and Privvy Seals, each getting a cassette to themselves which came housed in an awesome woolen patch thing with a pocket sewn in for each tape. NICE.
It could just be my rips, but the quality is pretty lofi here which makes for a more pleasent experience for my ears, however you might need to crank this one up a bit for maximum harsh intake. A good all round comp but shouts go to the Kakerlak, Cherry Point and P.Seals stuff for personal enjoyment.
What I've done is load every offering separately cos I don't know how to make RARs and it would be too big as a while rip. Also I don't think there is REALLY meant to be any sort of running order to this, despite what the discogs page says.

The Cherry Point
Filthy Turd
Privvy Seals
The Rita

Shift/Romance - Gateshead Sessions Split c25

Here is a great and sadly quite low run tape. Came out in 2007, only about 60 copies on the always cracking Unrest Productions label, run by Shift.
Now, as much as a fan of Shift as I am (Unable to Abide a World of Silence is SERIOUS fucking BUSINESS, get it) I definitely got this tape mainly because of Romance, who doesn't release a lot but always serves up great slabs of harsh cut up greatness and is a serious treasure of UK noise. Predictably, his side is amazing, beginning with an epic string loop sample and building into his trademark stop and start harsh as heck cacophony. One thing that I've always liked about Romance is that his sounds seem to have a kind of recognisable production value (stupid term for noise but maybe you know what I mean?) as though each sound is really meticulously put together and processed and then layered perfectly. Real mad scientist stuff and thoroughly pleasing.
Shift's side is an interesting one. By his own admission when it came out, this is a far more harsh noise approach than his usual dark power electronic stuff. Two tracks here and this was made using a radio and a string of pedals and as a result is a lot more simple and even humourous that you'd expect. I always come to this tape thinking the next time I'll hear the Shift side I'll hate it, expecting the sort of boring, predictable bullshit you'd imagine someone might come up with by distorting a radio, but I'm always blown away by how well it comes off. For such obviously improvised pieces, this sounds really composed with disgusting and decaying speech just BUBBLING away under the horrid wash of white, crunchy noise in a way that reminds me of many early industrial experiments and is still very in touch with what Shift usually does. There is still time for some radio funnies though as we get to hear that cunt Robbie Williams have his voice ruined for the sake of a small run cassette release. In short, the Shift tracks are just as good in it's own way as the Romance stuff and the two sides work very well together.

If you download this, it might say it's a c20 in the title. MY BAD.