Saturday, 4 July 2009

Shuffle Shuffle Vol.1

Welcome to the beginning of a new and hopefully very regular feature to the blog. Welcome to SHUFFLE SHUFFLE

This series will consist of compilation albums made as a result of listening to about 1 hr of music with my iTunes set on shuffle. The uploads will be untouched and played in the exact order as they randomly appeared with no songs omitted*, hopefully making for a fun and bizarre range of tracks. Also, the track list will be included only as a text file within the uploaded zip, leaving the listener with no idea as to what delights they may be downloading until they have it. Will it be a mind melting eclectobomb set to water the mouths of even the broadest pallets? or will be be a total shitpile of embarrassing and uncohesive crap best consigned to the trash can? You're a few clicks away from finding out.

I encourage all those who download to act similarly and set up their own shuffle shuffles (post the upload link in the comments) and share in this potentially dangerous musical exploration. Just be sure to STICK TO THE DAMN RULES cos you wouldn't want to carry the burden of white hot guilt at having cheated around for the rest of your life would you?

I'll be asking special guests to contribute to this series too, so stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for more, SHUFFLE SHUFFLE.

Download Shuffle Shuffle Vol.1

* The idea for this series is to reveal an unaltered glimpse into the depths of your randomised mp3 collection, so please stick to this plan and don't remove the embarrassing Linkin Park track you downloaded back when you first got a computer. The only instance in which tracks can be removed is in the event that you make music and one of your shitty, unfinished demos or 40 second drum loops you were experimenting with gets included. No one wants to hear that shit, especially not from my if you don't want these in, feel free to remove them. Anything else = FAIR GAME PUNK


Brandon Haney said...

This is a fantastic idea.

Fragment said...

Shuffle Shuffle vol. 2

enjoy! Shuffle vol.2.rar

(cut&paste... link thing doesn't work... anyway)